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Showing posts from September, 2012

Some funny pictures....

 Apparently, these people don't know how to use the word "patience."  I found this on Facebook.  These people obviously need practice in using the words "are" and "our."  My parents found this sign at a Sears... I don't know if you can read this very well, but it's about a text sent to the wrong person.  Apparently using English with this person did not work, and well as the caption says, you sometimes have to translate.

Chronicles of Narnia

In watching the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (not reading it sadly) it always strikes me at how much symbolism C. S. Lewis put into these books.  There are such strong symbols of Christ, of God, of His Atonement, and mercy.  Edmund's story in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a deep reminder of the power of the Atonement, and that we can repent.  I love the power of the Stone Table cracking, and it's deep symbolism; the reminder that Christ gave his life for us, that we might live.  The White Witch shows her face throughout the series, representing Satan and temptation.  Edmund is not the only one susceptible to her power.  Even Prince Caspian and Peter fall prey to the temptation of power.  Susan, Edmund, and Peter stumble into Narnia after not believing Lucy for so long; they stumble into the truth, and take the steps to follow Aslan, to fight for him.  Aslan is a powerful symbol of Christ.  He redeems Mr. Tumnus from the power ...