This was a series that I was really excited to finish. I loved The Paper Magician and The Glass Magician, so I was excited to read this one.
Ceony Twill has a hidden secret: she can perform all the types of magic. She has discovered the secret to unbinding and rebinding to different materials. She has one last hurtle before she's a full magician: the test. Emery has decided that he will not be the one giving the exam, and instead passes Ceony to another folder: Magician Bailey. As Ceony arrives at Bailey's house, she discovers the depth of his dislike for Emery, and that seems to have passed onto her. Now, with Saraj Prendi on the loose, Ceony decides to track him down herself, fearing for her family.
Overall, I did really enjoy this book. I loved Ceony, though she did feel a bit whiney this time. She cleverly managed to solve all of the problems in the book, and I loved her method of solving all of the questions on her magician's test.
I thought that the plot was overall quite interesting. I felt that the ending was rushed, just a little, and I wasn't sure I followed exactly how she managed to defeat Saraj. I loved the detail, though in the final chapters, and I loved the writing style.
There were a few things that I didn't really feel were tied up very well, but in a way, it leaves her open to write another book if she chose. The biggest thing was that now that Ceony has changed the rules of magic, what next?
The magic system in this book was fun. I liked the idea of the different magics, and how they functioned. I think that Holmberg does a fantastic job of following Sanderson's laws of magic. Now that she's established the rules of how it all works, she takes book three to subvert those rules and show new growth, which I loved.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐
PG-13 ish for gore at the end. Excisioner's magic is pretty gory.

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